Can e-bikes be tracked?
Feb 01, 24
Yes, e-bikes can be tracked using GPS trackers, just like many other vehicles and devices. Installing a GPS tracker on an e-bike can serve several purposes, including theft prevention and recovery.
Here's how it works:
It's essential to choose a reputable GPS tracking device and service provider to ensure reliability and accuracy.
The cost of GPS trackers and service plans can vary, so it's worth researching different options to find one that suits your needs and budget.
Additionally, be aware of any legal considerations or regulations regarding the use of GPS trackers on e-bikes in your area, as laws may vary by jurisdiction.
Read Also: Why do bike rentals use GPS?
All Whizz bikes are equipped with GPS trackers. This system works when the battery is active.
If the battery is dead for some time, system will show the last location of your e-bike. This means that our bikes are 100% theft proof.
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Related: How much does it cost to service an electric bike
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