

How long do e-bike batteries last on one charge

January 30, 2025


Anastasiia Chub

E-bike batteries are one of the most important components of our vehicles, as they power them and determine their range.

Whether you’re using your e-bike for commuting, delivery work, or leisure, knowing about battery life is essential. 

The range of an e-bike is calculated using various factors, including battery capacity, riding, and bike use. 

With proper maintenance, an e-bike battery can make your riding life easier and more convenient and help you calculate a possible route and driving distance so you don’t run out of juice when least expected. 

So, how long do e-bike batteries last on one charge? Let’s find out! 

Average e-bike battery range


The range for most e-bikes is between 25 and 70 miles per charge, with riding style, battery capacity, and external factors at work. 

For a 250Wh battery, 20–30 miles can serve as a rough estimate, and for a 750Wh battery, 50–80 miles can be attained.

Delivery couriers and long-distance commuters find the Whizz Storm-2, a high-performance bike with a high-capacity battery and optimized power management, to be the best option for long-distance use, as it has a range of an incredible 85 miles per charge. 

Individual riding habits, weather, and types of roads will always have an impact on true range.

Factors that affect e-bike battery life

Many things can affect your e-bike battery’s health and, with it, it’s range per charge.

The most important variable that will affect battery life is capacity in terms of watt hours (Wh). Greater capacity alone will yield a larger range, but efficiency in use is important, too.

For example, high-powered 48 V, 26 Ah lithium-ion batteries (1,248 Wh equivalent) utilized in Storm-2 have an 85-mile range, equivalent to approximately 8 hours of riding.

This makes Storm-2 perfect for delivery couriers, long commutes, and use in critical transportation requirements in your life.

Other factors include:

  • The riding environment: Hills, headwinds, and extreme temperatures slow down batteries. Uphills require increased power, and headwind creates additional drag, both of which burn batteries at a high pace. Cold temperatures below zero can slow down batteries temporarily.
  • The behavior of a cyclist: Higher velocities, constant acceleration, and sharp braking burn batteries at a high pace. Smooth, continuous pedaling and less use of assistance will make your batteries go a long distance.
  • The weight of a bike and cargo: Carrying a lot of cargo takes a lot of juice, cutting down range life. That is most relevant for delivery couriers who carry goods during the daytime.
  • Motor power: Higher-powered motors burn a lot of juice, particularly at high pedal assist settings or in throttle mode. Choosing a motor that best addresses your riding requirements can make you a winner in terms of consuming less juice and getting a high range.

How to maximize your e-bike battery life


To maximize your e-bike battery, follow these best practice tips:

  • Use less pedal assist when possible in order to preserve juice. Higher assist settings use more juice, cutting down the overall range.
  • Charge wisely. Don't overcharge, and periodically let the battery run down to zero. Lithium-ion batteries have a long life when stored between 20% and 80% charged.
  • Keep tire pressure in check to minimize rolling resistance. Underinflation creates increased rolling resistance, which strains the motor and consumes additional juice.
  • Maintain a constant pace to avoid quick spikes in juice consumption. Frequent acceleration and deceleration drain batteries at a higher rate than a constant pace.
  • Store the battery in a proper manner, storing it in a cool, dry location when not in use. Heat and extreme temperatures can destroy battery cells over a span of years.

When should you replace your e-bike battery?


Another important thing you should learn is the e-bike battery lifespan. At some point, you should replace an e-bike battery.

The batteries in an e-bike will break down over a span of 500 to 1,000 charge cycles, equivalent to 2–5 years of continuous use. 

This interval can be shorter if you are an e-bike delivery driver.

High-quality batteries will, with proper care, outlast them, but at a certain point, all batteries will start to run out of juice.

Symptoms that your battery will require a new one include:

  • Lower range per charge: In case your range per charge noticeably drops, your battery is most probably wearing out.
  • Longer charging times: As batteries age, charging times become extended.
  • Not holding a charge: In case your battery runs out of juice in a matter of a short period of use and won't charge at all, then a new one is in your future.

If you’re a commuter or plan on using your e-bike daily, purchasing a new battery when your current one starts to fail will save you a lot of downtime when it fails in an inopportune manner.

Searching for a new battery or new e-bike?

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So, how long do e-bike batteries last on one charge? Getting the answer might be tricky.

The range of an e-bike battery will depend on a variety of factors, including capacity, weather conditions, terrain, and riding style ( leve of pedal assist you will use).

By knowing these factors, a commuter or delivery rider can maximize use of an e-bike’s battery and not have a loss of power when least expected. 

With bikes such as the Whizz Storm-2 providing 85 miles per charge, a rider can have long-lasting performance and dependability. 

By caring for your battery and optimizing riding, efficiency can be maximized and life extended, and your e-bike will become a reliable form of transportation for years to come. 

For commuting, delivering, and even a leisure ride, proper care for your battery will mean proper charging at the right time.

Enjoy the ride!

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