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How much does it cost to own an electric bike?

By Anelisa Nokoyo

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The cost of owning an electric bike through a rent-to-own program can vary based on the terms of the program. In the specific program you mentioned, here are the cost details:

  • Monthly Payment: The program offers a monthly payment of $169 per month.
  • Down Payment: There is a one-time down payment of $99 required at the start of the program.
  • Ownership: After 12 months of making monthly payments, the e-bike becomes yours to keep.

It's important to note that the total cost of ownership in this program would be the sum of the down payment and the 12 monthly payments, which would be:

Total Cost = Down Payment + (Monthly Payment x 12 months)

Total Cost = $99 + ($169 x 12)

Total Cost = $99 + $2,028

Total Cost = $2,127

So, in this specific rent-to-own program, the total cost of owning the e-bike after 12 months would be $2,127. This cost includes both the down payment and the monthly payments. Keep in mind that this is just one program, and costs may vary depending on the terms of other rent-to-own programs for e-bikes.

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Our E-bikes and Accessories

If you are interested in electric bike rentals and buying accessories for a comfortable ride, we recommend visiting Whizz E-bike rentals and Whizz Store.

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