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Are bike couriers still a thing?

By Anastasiia Chub

Table of contents:

Where To Find Work as a Bike Courier Average Bike Courier Income The Rise of E-bikes Maximize Your Bike Courier Income with an E-bike from Whizz

Yes, bike couriers are still a thing! The rise of app-based delivery services has expanded opportunities for bike couriers, particularly in urban areas where navigating traffic on a bike can be more efficient than using a car.

Where To Find Work as a Bike Courier

Average Bike Courier Income

As of Jul 12, 2024, bike couriers earn a nationwide average of $20 per hour, according to ZipRecruiter.

This rate can be influenced by multiple factors including specific location, number of deliveries completed, tips received, and other elements such as demand, surge pricing, and special incentives offered by employers.

The Rise of E-bikes

The invention of the e-bike has made working as a bike courier more efficient than ever. An e-bike has an electric motor that assists a rider’s pedaling power, requiring less energy to ride.

These days, e-bikes are increasingly popular with bike couriers as they reduce the risk of stress injuries, make climbing hills easier, and increase the potential for income by allowing couriers to make more deliveries per shift.

Maximize Your Bike Courier Income with an E-bike from Whizz

At Whizz, we have affordable plans to rent or buy a durable e-bike built for commercial use. We include free accessories, options to protect you against theft and damage, and access to affordable repairs.

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Read Also: E-bike disadvantages

We also offer a Whizz affiliate program, which can significantly enhance the earnings potencial for bike riders.

This program is designed to reward riders for thier loyalty and performance, offering additional income streams on top of regular delivery earnings.

Related: What bikes couriers use

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