Do you know how much can you make on DoorDash in a day?
Earnings are some of the most important things for all delivery riders, especially when you’re working part-time.
Many workers are wondering whether being a delivery rider is worth it, and how much money they can really earn.
Finding information about hourly pay is somewhat easy, but daily earnings are not that simple.
Fortunately, we’re here to help.
We’ve talked with various DoorDash delivery riders who use Whizz e-bikes, done some research, and read various forums to get all the data you need.
Here’s how much you can get with DoorDash, and tips and tricks on how to increase your earnings.
First off, it’s important to understand that DoorDash doesn’t offer a fixed hourly pay.
Instead, your earnings will depend on several factors, such as the distance between the restaurant and the delivery location, the estimated delivery time, the offer’s desirability, and the order’s cost.
You also get bonuses and promotions depending on your performance, and you keep 100% of your tips.
Our data estimates that the average hourly rate of a DoorDash delivery rider in the US is $16.58.
As NYC, DoorDash states that the numbers are somewhat higher, as delivery riders have a minimum earnings rate of $19.56.
Most Dashers work up to 4 hours per week. This means less than an hour a day, which makes our calculations tricky.
However, as DoorDash doesn’t have a daily cap on how much you can work, it is possible to deliver orders for a standard working time of 8 hours.
If you were to do so, you could earn about $132.64 a day, or $156.48 in NYC.
Of course, the exact amount greatly depends on the type of deliveries you do, as well as on your working availability.
To help get a better picture of Dasher’s earnings, Whizz has interviewed several delivery riders who use our electric bikes.
Whizz’s Dashers have stated they typically make about $30 per working shift, but they didn’t specify how long this shift lasts.
One Dasher who was particularly hard-working stated they Dash about 12 hours per day on days when they’re not going to school.
On average, their daily earnings were around $175.
Similarly, another Dasher who worked around 9 hours a day could earn $120 or more daily.
Most Dashers have reported they are entirely satisfied with their pay, especially considering how Dashing is just a part-time job for the greatest majority.
However, another Dasher stated they would like greater pay, saying they would be satisfied with an hourly pay of $24, which will lead to about $50,000 of yearly earnings.
Lastly, all of them have agreed that an electric bike is the best vehicle for the job, as it provides great value for the price.
Most of them couldn’t afford a car, and an electric bike provided them with a fine balance.
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There are a few things you can do to increase your daily earnings.
Of course, taking longer hours is the best method, but not everyone has the time for additional shifts.
The next best step is to try to increase the number of orders you can make for the same amount of time.
Focus on zones with a higher density of restaurants and active customers. Busy areas will increase your chances of getting more orders, and these orders will typically be more desirable, which means they will earn you more money.
You can utilize DoorDash’s “hotspots” to find out where these locations are in real-time.
Another option is to maximize your availability during busy times, such as lunch (11 am–2 pm) and dinner (5 pm–9 pm).
Weekends and holidays are also times when the number of orders increases.
Chances are not many people will want to Dash on holidays, so your competition might be lower, as well – although weekends are the opposite, and you can expect more riders tuning in.
If you qualify for the Top Dasher program, you will get numerous benefits, such as bonuses and an increased number of orders.
To do so, you need to maintain a high rating, completion rate, and acceptance rate.
Even if you don’t qualify, accepting a higher percentage of orders and completing them efficiently without cancellations or delays will increase your standing within the platform.
Reliable Dashers are usually prioritized, so you can expect to see more orders just by working harder and more efficiently.
Keep an eye out for multiple orders from the same restaurant or orders going to the same area. DoorDash sometimes offers order stacking, allowing you to complete more deliveries in less time.
Navigation tools can help you choose the fastest routes, so you can reduce delivery time and complete more orders.
Related: How much money do you make Doordashing on a bike
Another reason why many Dashers work in shorter shifts is because their e-bike batteries cannot withstand long working hours.
Every battery has its own range per charge, and this affects how long you can ride your electric bike.
Whizz has superior e-bikes for delivery workers with an excellent range.
For example, you can ride Storm-2 up to 85 miles per charge with pedal assist!
However, if this is too short for you or you just wish to stay on the safe side, you can always purchase an additional battery straight from the Whizz’s store.
Whizz always has delivery workers in mind when designing and selling high-quality products. If you’re looking to become a delivery rider, all you need is your ID card and you can buy or rent an e-bike from us.
Contact Whizz and start earning money on DoorDash or other delivery apps today.
Related: How to be a Dasher without a car
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