You can typically charge an electric bike (e-bike) battery between 800 and 1,600 times, depending on how you manage the charging cycles.
Here’s how the depth of charge can affect the number of charging times and what the effects are:
Charging to 100%. Charging your e-bike battery to 100% for every ride may provide around 800 charge cycles. However, this approach may lead to a shorter overall battery lifespan.
Charging to 90%. Charging your battery to only 90% of its capacity can extend the battery life to approximately 1,000 charge cycles. This method is more conservative and helps preserve the battery's health.
Charging to 80%. Charging your battery to just 80% capacity can further extend the battery life, providing around 1,600 charge cycles. While this approach offers the longest lifespan, it also means slightly less range per charge.
To maximize the lifespan of your e-bike battery, many experts recommend charging it to around 80% on a regular basis and occasionally doing a full 100% charge when needed.
Additionally, avoiding extreme temperatures, both hot and cold, and storing the battery in a cool, dry place can help maintain its health.
By following these charging practices and taking care of your e-bike battery, you can ensure it lasts through numerous charge cycles, providing you with reliable performance over time.
However, it’s important to keep in mind that after a certain number of charges, typically after around 1,000, the battery will degrade to about 70-80% of its original capacity.
Choosing the best e-bike battery can increase the number of charging cyclesIf you choose a good bike with high-quality batteries, you can increase the number of charging cycles.
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Whizz’s electric bikes come with Samsung cell batteries that have an average lifespan of 2-3 years of heavy use. That is about 1500 charges!
As they can last for up to 12 hours per single charge, they have a range of up to 85 miles per charge, which is typically more than a delivery rider will need.
Whizz also offers the possibility to purchase an additional battery so you can use your e-bike for an even longer amount of time.
Is it okay to charge an e-bike every day?
While charging an e-bike battery every day is perfectly fine, avoid constantly charging it to 100%, as this can shorten the battery’s lifespan.
Charge it to 80-85% instead.How long do e-bikes last on a charge?
Each battery has its own capacity and range, so this can vary. On average, most standard e-bikes can ride between 30 and 70 miles per charge.
It's quite normal for batteries to lose some of their capacity over time. It's just one of their disadvantages.
Whizz’s Storm-2, however, has a range of 85 miles per charge, which is significantly more than most models of a similar price range.
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