
All about E-bikes

Can I ride my electric bike in the rain?

Feb 01, 23

Author: Konstantin Kaliuzhnyj

Navigating the challenges of riding an electric bike in the rain demands courage and a strategic approach to ensure safety and efficiency.

Whether you're a delivery rider who must work in all conditions or a daily commuter determined to maintain your eco-friendly routine, equipping yourself and your gear with the proper weatherproofing measures becomes crucial.

Electric bicycles are operable throughout the year, enabling their use during the bustling holiday season and throughout the winter months. This versatility extends to riding in rainy conditions, contingent upon adherence to specific guidelines.

Let’s see what riding your electric bike in the rain takes.

Implementing bike fenders

The most important thing you should do is implement bike fenders.

Bike fenders, also known as mudguards in some regions, become particularly crucial for delivery personnel as winter approaches. These accessories serve to shield riders from mud and water splashes.

While fenders may not completely prevent one from becoming wet, they play a significant role during rainfalls.

Advantages of Bike Fenders

Bike fenders help preserve bicycle components by protecting against road debris. They safeguard the bicycle, including its battery, various parts, and the rider.

Furthermore, fenders help maintain the dryness of the rider's apparel, a factor critical to maintaining a professional demeanor.

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Weatherproof yourself

Weatherproofing oneself is essential when riding an electric bike in the rain, as exposure to wet conditions can lead to discomfort. Selecting appropriate attire is crucial to remaining as dry and warm as possible under these circumstances.

Appropriate Rain Gear for E-Bike Riders

The primary step involves wearing a helmet. In cold conditions, it is advisable to opt for an insulated helmet or pair a standard helmet with a wool or beanie hat underneath.
In fact, wearing a helmet is required by law for certain e-bikes.

Hats with brims are preferable for directing water away from the face and eyes and wearing goggles or glasses can further prevent water intrusion into the eyes. A waterproof coat is essential for maintaining warmth without causing overheating or excessive bulk.

Layering is recommended for its flexibility; it allows for easy adjustment to varying temperatures by adding or removing layers as necessary.

Waterproof pants and shoes are also vital. Keeping feet dry is a matter of comfort and enhances focus on cycling rather than discomfort from cold and wet conditions.

Lastly, gloves are indispensable, especially for those making deliveries in the rain. An extra pair of water-resistant gloves can protect the hands and improve grip on the bike's levers, ensuring safer and more comfortable navigation through wet weather.

Appropriate rain gear

Extra measures include protecting electronic devices in sealable plastic bags and storing more oversized items in waterproof bags. This is especially important if you’re working as a delivery rider, as you’d want to weatherproof any orders you might carry.

Utilizing lights for visibility

Visibility is crucial in rainy conditions. Using lights on e-bikes is essential for signaling presence to other road users, and in many jurisdictions, it is a legal requirement.

Headlights and taillights specifications

Headlights should be bright enough to be visible from 500 feet away and directed straight ahead. Taillights must be bright and red and visible from 500 to 600 feet, with additional lights possible on various bike parts for enhanced visibility.

Braking and riding techniques

Braking should be gradual to compensate for reduced traction. Electric bikes typically feature disk brakes, which perform better in wet conditions than rim brakes.

Caution is advised when turning corners and avoiding hazardous surfaces such as potholes, metal tracks, and slippery lane markers.

Lowering tire pressure improves grip by increasing the tire's contact area with the road, especially under wet conditions and when carrying loads.

Lower tire pressure

Understanding the proper tire pressure is vital for any delivery rider.

If you plan on riding your e-bike in the rain, adjust your tire pressure to match the weather and the road conditions. Lower tire pressure is ideal for riding in the rain as it gives the e-bike more grip.

Such pressure also allows your bike’s tires to maintain contact with the road. It’s even more critical to reduce your pressure tire and leave it at low or on mid-pressure when carrying delivery loads.

Be cautious of corners

Riding a bike while it’s raining requires caution; that much is known. But it’s even more important to exercise this caution when turning on corners.

Slow down when approaching corners, and drive slower than you would on a normal day when making deliveries.

Besides being cautious when turning corners, be careful around potholes, metal tracks, white lines, and every other lane marker. Do not forget mud puddles, oil puddles, and crushed leaves.

These tend to be very slippery when wet.

Make yourself visible

We’ve already mentioned the importance of having lights on your bike and making yourself visible to everyone on the road. You can improve visibility even further by wearing reflectors.

Luminescent or neon clothes reflect well in the dark, making you visible to all road users.

This is important as rainy days equal poor visibility, and you need to do everything possible to be visible while riding in the rain.

Follow traffic rules and regulations. Considering the low visibility, recklessness will only result in an accident, and that should be the last thing on your mind when making deliveries.

Plan a safe route

As tempting as it might be to take shortcuts, it’s essential to avoid routes with loose gravel, stones, and even cracked pavements when biking in the rain.

Gravel and loose stones are bound to fly up into your bike parts, thus preventing you from enjoying a smooth ride.

You should also avoid using routes with puddles of water because you may not know how deep the water is. If that is your only route, it’s better to cross it while walking alongside your bike.

Switch off your bike's electronics and walk into the water with the power off.

Clean your electric bike after the ride

After your bike ride, clean and dry it to prevent the build-up of mud and dirt. If your bike is only wet with no mud, simply wipe it to remove moisture from the frame. If the battery gets wet, wipe it and its cabin dry.

Additionally, wiping your bike after a ride is unnecessary, especially if it doesn’t get dirty or excessively wet.

Part of cleaning your e-bike is applying lubricant to the chain. This ensures smooth riding, and you’ll want to do it after cleaning your bike or just after taking a spin in the rain.


Bike riding in the rain is okay. It’s manageable as long as you understand how to do it right.

Making deliveries on your e-bike during a rainstorm is okay if you follow these instructions.

Of course, you don’t have to worry about any of that with Whizz bike rentals. Our bikes are kept in a secure facility, and maintenance is included in your subscription.

Plus, you can choose from different bikes and any accessories you may need to make your deliveries that much easier.


Is it safe to ride an electric bike in the rain?

Riding an electric bike in the rain can be safe if the bike is designed to be water-resistant and you take proper precautions. It's essential to check the e-bike's IP rating to ensure its level of water resistance and to ride cautiously to avoid slippery surfaces.

What is an IP rating, and what should I look for in an e-bike?

The IP (Ingress Protection) rating system defines the levels of sealing effectiveness of electrical enclosures against intrusion from foreign bodies and moisture. For riding in the rain, look for an e-bike with an IP rating of at least IPX4, which indicates protection against splashing water from any direction.

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